ADHD Centre for Treatment Services


Parenting children with ADHD can be a challenging task. When a child has ADHD there are unique parenting challenges which makes supporting these children much more difficult. It can often lead parents and caregivers to feel frustrated, drained and overwhlemed.


Surprisingly, the catalyst for change is parents and caregivers, not their child with ADHD. At ACTS, we understand the complexity of managing a child with this diagnosis. In our 8 week two hour parenting classes you will learn effective strategies and tools specific to ADHD so that you can better manage your child’s behaviour.


Our 8 week parenting classes focus on the following:


  • the neurobiology & characteristics of ADHD
  • effective communication techniques
  • behaviour management strategies
  • stress and anger management
  • coping skills
  • problem solving
  • esteem building
  • mindfulness
  • information on medications

Please feel free to complete a registration form (see below) and a clinician will contact you.


Dates:  Eight Saturday afternoons–

Registration is ongoing.

For inquires about next start date, please contact Kathy: 

778-686-3267 or by e-mail.


Time: 12:45 – 3:00 PM


Location: Griffin Business Centre, 388–901 West 3rd St. North Vancouver, BC V79 3P9


To register, please fill in the form below and one of our counsellors will contact you shortly to set up a complimentary 30 minute intake telephone call.

Parent Program
Child Program
Child's name:Full Name
Child's date of birth:
Does this child have an ADHD diagnosis? (ADHD diagnosis required)
Are there any other children in the home with ADHD?
Primary contact (caregiver registering for the program):Full Name
Relationship to the child/children:
Primary contact phone number:
Primary contact address:
Postal Code
Secondary contact (if applicable):Full name
Relationship to the child/children:
Attending the program?
Secondary contact phone number:Phone Number
Secondary contact address:
Emergency contact:your full name
Emergency contact phone number: