ADHD Centre for Treatment Services


ADHD is a one of the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood, affecting 5 to 12% of children. At one time, Individuals were thought to outgrow ADHD in adolescence and it was expected that, by the time children with ADHD reached adulthood, they would no longer be experiencing symptoms of the disorder. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In the great majority of cases, individuals with ADHD continue to suffer a lifetime of impacts, if not, impairment. ADHD has been found to negatively affect a multitude of areas of adult functioning, including education, employment, relationships, quality of life and finances, to name just a few.


That being said, treatment has been found to be very effective when it is comprehensive in nature and addresses issues in a number of different ways with a wide range of interventions. Counselling is one such treatment option that has been found to be very helpful in combination with medical management or, in instances when medication is not well tolerated or is not preferred, when part of a comprehensive plan.  An experienced counsellor, well versed in ADHD symptomatology, creates a safe environment where issues of diminished self-esteem can be explored and where proactive strategies in such areas as time management, prioritization, goal setting, organization and follow through can be addressed.


ACTS counsellors understand the unique potential of individuals with ADHD and will assist them to reach their targeted goals. The end result is enhanced self-respect, improved relationships and a more productive and fulfilling life.


To book an appointment, please contact Kathy at 778 – 686 – 3267 or by e-mail. She will contact you shortly.